Side Hustle Opportunities in Urban Agriculture – Side Hustle Report #3

Side Hustle Opportunities in Urban Agriculture – Side Hustle Report #3

ide Hustles in Urban Agriculture and Cryptocurrency

In this edition of the Side Hustle Report we are going to look at two side hustle ideas positioned in markets which are experiencing phenomenal growth.

The startup opportunities we will reveal reside in the cryptocurrency and urban agriculture markets.

Let’s start with the case for setting up a side hustle in the cryptocurrency space.

The first question you may ask yourself before going any further is, do I need to know anything about cryptocurrency? Well it certainly helps. However there are three ways you can gain exposure to this lucrative market. First, buy cryptocurrency, second, buy a small portfolio of crypto based premium domain names or third, start a side hustle in the crypto space.

We are obviously keen advocates of side hustles so number three is our favored option.

As you may know we have a wide selection of cryptocurrency based domain names available on our sister platform, the #1 crypto domain name platform.

However, while there are some great names here for either a startup or for investment it’s also the perfect way to be inspired. By viewing our handpicked crypto names you will also see a number of startup ideas ready to go. Importantly, you will own a leading domain name giving you credibility with both customers and search engines.

Now down to business.

Side Hustle #1

Our first side hustle idea is based on the domain name

A little about the cryptocurrency market.

The cryptocurrency market offers a unique opportunity for individuals to start a side hustle, leveraging its 24/7 nature and global reach. With millions of participants worldwide, the market is constantly active, allowing for flexible trading and investment schedules. Bitcoin, the pioneer cryptocurrency, has become increasingly mainstream, with growing acceptance and adoption by institutions, governments, and individuals.

Despite its growing popularity, the cryptocurrency market is still in its early stages, with Bitcoin being only 14 years old. By starting a side hustle in crypto, individuals can tap into this potential, exploring opportunities such as:

  • Trading and investing in cryptocurrencies
  • Creating and selling digital assets, like NFTs (non-fungible tokens)
  • Developing and offering crypto-related services, such as consulting, education, or software solutions
  • Participating in cryptocurrency mining or staking
  • Building and managing a cryptocurrency portfolio
  • A crypto news or ‘tips’ platform

In today’s show we are focusing on the opportunity for a niche awards business in the cryptocurrency market utilizing the premium domain name

One thing noticeable in this dynamic market is that there is only one recognized crypto awards brand of any note, being

In our opinion the lack of an alternative crypto awards brand provides an opportunity to establish a niche targeting some of the popular areas such as memecoins, new issues and smaller capitalization tokens/coins. With names like “Memecoin of the year” or “New Issue of 2024”.

Investors are always looking for new tokens to buy and validation of the coins making up their portfolios. That is where comes in.

Limited Experience Required to Establish a Side Hustle in Crypto

If you have a limited experience in crypto don’t write this opportunity off. You can easily build a small team of experts paying them a percentage of the fees generated or possibly attracting them with the kudos of being involved in such a valuable, high profile project. You may want to set up a small committee to judge the individual awards, and that committee would consist of around 2-3 ‘experts’. These experts are likely to be influencers you can track down on Twitter very easily.

Revenue streams

Possible revenue streams include:

  • Sponsorship
  • Advertising
  • Entrance fees

It’s also possible you can charge a fee for allowing tokens to promote their product to your audience.

I think it will be far easier to obtain sponsorship and charge fees in the second year of business. However, saying that, if you are able to build a decent sized audience quickly on either YouTube or X/Twitter then you would be in a strong position to attract one or two sponsors for your first set of awards.

Cost of set up

The main cost of set up is the domain name which will cost $1,500 and the website, which will be a few hundred dollars.

Get started

  • Step one – buy the domain name
  • Step two – build the website
  • Step three – launch your first awards

Building an audience

The biggest challenge is building a receptive and responsive audience.

However there are a few factors on your side here. Firstly the influencers you have on boarded will likely publicize your awards to their own audience. Secondly, the shortlisted entrants who benefit from their own following will undoubtedly inform their followers of their nomination. Both will lead to an increase in your audience and interest. By utilizing these resources you will be able to build a sizable social following very quickly. And that will only grow with time.

You can buy securely through GoDaddy for $1,500. Don’t delay, this is a great opportunity for the motivated entrepreneur.

Next up…

Side Hustle #2

Start a business in the exciting area of urban agriculture with

There is a massive Opportunity in Urban Agriculture.

What is urban agriculture?

It’s a rapidly growing field that involves cultivating and producing food in urban areas. This innovative approach to farming is gaining popularity worldwide, driven by increasing concerns about food security, sustainability, and environmental stewardship. As the global population urbanizes, the demand for fresh, locally grown produce is skyrocketing, creating a massive opportunity for entrepreneurs, investors, and side hustlers.

Several side hustles can be explored in the urban agriculture field, including:

1. Online marketplaces or forums for urban farmers and consumers

2. Consulting services for setting up and maintaining urban farms

3. E-commerce platforms for selling urban agriculture-related products

4. Blogging or vlogging about urban agriculture techniques and best practices

5. Creating and selling online courses or tutorials on urban farming is a prime example of a versatile domain name which could be utilized in any of these side hustle opportunities.

With a price tag of $995, buying to launch an urban agricultural side hustle or startup is a low-risk strategy. As the urban agriculture market continues to expand, the value of this domain name is likely to appreciate, making it a sensible hedge in case the business does not work out.

Market Size and Expansion

The urban agriculture market is substantial and growing rapidly. The global urban agriculture market is projected to reach $14.9 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 14.5% from 2020 to 2025.

In conclusion, the urban agriculture market presents a massive opportunity for entrepreneurs, investors, and side hustlers. By buying side hustlers can participate in this growing field and potentially reap significant rewards. With its memorable and versatile name is the perfect name for your urban agricultural side hustle.

You can buy for $995 through GoDaddy.

The good thing about all of our business ideas is they are backed by valuable domain names so if for some reason the business doesn’t work you have value in the domain which you can sell on, at or above the price you paid for it.

So all it leaves me to say is, do you research and then take the plunge. Time waits for no man. The difference between success and failure comes down to one word. “Action!”

Thank you for reading The Side Hustle Report. See you next time.

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Check out previous editions here:

Edition #1 – Neck Pillows and Solar Power

Edition #2 – Weighted Hula Hoops and Home Valuations

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